Episode 87 - Jess's Full Recovery Story: How I Overcame ME/CFS and Reclaimed My Life

I can't keep living like this – Jess's recovery from severe ME/CFS

Imagine feeling so tired you can't enjoy life. That was Jess. 

Despite her go-getter attitude, chronic fatigue pushed her to her limits. 

But guess what? 

She turned it all around. 

Her story isn't just inspiring—it's a roadmap for anyone feeling stuck in their health journey.

Jess joined our Mentorship 3.0 a year ago, feeling lost and overwhelmed. 

She tried everything to feel better, but nothing stuck—until she found a community that got it and tools that actually worked for her. 

It wasn't overnight magic. 

It took patience and small steps, but Jess found her way back to a life full of energy and excitement.

Now, Jess is not only thriving but also expecting her first child—a dream she once thought was out of reach. 

Her secret? 

She learned to listen to her body, take it one day at a time, and lean on a support system that truly understood her struggles.

Her biggest takeaway for anyone fighting a similar battle? 

Trust that your body can heal. You're not alone, and there's a path forward, even when it feels impossible.

Jess's journey is a powerful reminder that with the right support and a bit of courage, you can overcome anything. 

Ready to start your own journey to better health? 

We're here to help you every step of the way.


Here are 4 ways we can help.

1. Join our free community to meet others, be inspired, and get more recovery info - https://www.facebook.com/groups/cfshealthrecoveryhub 

2. Watch the newly released past members "Guest Panel" Workshop where they share their top 5 recovery secrets - https://www.cfshealth.com/guestpanelreplay 

3. Get our free most popular recovery trainings:
- Find your baseline - Stop pushing and crashing - https://www.cfshealth.com/baseline 
- The 3 stages of recovery and what to do in each one - https://www.cfshealth.com/the3stages 
- The "9 do's and don’ts" PDF - to decrease symptoms and improve energy - https://www.Cfshealth.com/pdf 

4. Want to help professionally with a step-by-step recovery plan specific to you? Fill out the application form and the team will send you the details - https://www.cfshealth.com/form 












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