Episode 112 - What You MUST Know About Managing Your Periods with ME/CFS

Periods and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – How to Deal with Your Monthly Cycle

Managing chronic fatigue is tough, and when your monthly cycle approaches, it can feel like everything gets even harder.

You might feel emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and frustrated—like the progress you made last week slips away overnight.

Many women in our program have told us how some days even getting out of bed feels impossible.
Balancing your energy to avoid a crash takes effort on its own, and hormonal changes only add to the challenge.

But it doesn’t have to feel this way every month.

In our latest podcast, I share practical strategies to help you manage your energy through your cycle. We’ll talk about when to ease back, how to build in restorative rest, and how good nutrition can keep you steady.

These small shifts can make a real difference over time, helping you feel more in control, even on tough days.


Here are 4 ways we can help.

1. Join our free community to meet others, be inspired, and get more recovery info - https://www.facebook.com/groups/cfshealthrecoveryhub 

2. Watch the newly released past members "Guest Panel" Workshop where they share their top 5 recovery secrets - https://www.cfshealth.com/guestpanelreplay 

3. Get our free most popular recovery trainings:
- Find your baseline - Stop pushing and crashing - https://www.cfshealth.com/baseline 
- The 3 stages of recovery and what to do in each one - https://www.cfshealth.com/the3stages 
- The "9 do's and don’ts" PDF - to decrease symptoms and improve energy - https://www.Cfshealth.com/pdf 

4. Want to help professionally with a step-by-step recovery plan specific to you? Fill out the application form and the team will send you the details - https://www.cfshealth.com/form 





























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